We have same day approval on buying a home contract for deed in Mn. Just fill out application.
We have same day approval on buying a home contract for deed in Mn. Just fill out application.
You can buy a home in Minnesota with owner financing. There are 100s of contract for deed homes available in Minnesota. If you want to see homes for sale contract for deed view them at this site. http://boardwalkpremierrealty.com
Why buy a home on a contract for deed?
What Questions do I need to ask when buying a home on a contract for deed?
The first step is finding a Real Estate Agent that is experienced in contract for deed financing. Steve Vennemann BoardWalk Premier Realty is very experienced in Owner financing. Finding a seller in todays market to sell on a contract for deed can be very challenging. So we offer other services as well where MN lakeplace co will buy any home you pick out and sell it back to you.
How can I get money to buy a home if I dont have much money down?
Why Would I want to buy a home on a contract for deed and pay higher rates than a bank?